Payment solution PK 1

Создание платежей

Content-Type application/json
Account Your account uuid, you can find in Accounts
Sign Request signature

Link generate "API certificate for payment", save the archive, unpack

  • password.txt
  • private.pem
  • public.pem

We keep only public.pem for signature verification.

Wrap all POST data in json (in the same order) and sign

$data = json_encode($data);

$privateKey = openssl_pkey_get_private(

if ($privateKey===false) {

        throw new \Exception('Error cert.');

openssl_sign($data, $sign, $privateKey);
$sign = base64_encode($sign);

Pass the received $sign in the Sign header. You can find a sample code at the end of the document.

* - Required fields
Name Type Description
amount* decimal (11.2) Amount
order_id* string (128) Your id must be unique
service* string (100) payment_card_pkr_hpp
customer_ip* ip Payer's IP address
customer_code* string (100) Deposit Bank Code
success_redirect_id int Id of redirect upon successful payment
fail_redirect_id int Id of redirect in case of unsuccessful payment
notification_endpoint_id int Notification id
success_redirect_url string|max:255 Link to redirect after successful payment
fail_redirect_url string|max:255 Link to redirect after unsuccessful payment
notification_endpoint_url string|max:255 Link to send a callback after the statuses are finalized


Name Description
url Link to payment
payment_status Payment status
wait — in the process of payment
id AliKassa payment id
uuid AliKassa payment uuid
success_redirect_url Ссылка на вашу страницу, для редирека клиента после успешной оплаты

When creating, always wait, check the payment status via the API or wait for a notification!

Example of a successful HTTP CODE 200 response:

    "url" => ""
    "payment_status" => "wait"
    "id" => 108465371
    "uuid" => "bd291fe1-5c19-4113-ae62-a2d3c4d01d20"
    "success_redirect_url" => null

An example of an unsuccessful HTTP CODE 400 response:

   "message": "The given data was invalid.",
   "errors": {

After receiving the url, redirect the client to the link.

Possible values of payment_status, see the documentation "Payment status".

Если вы передали notification_endpoint_id или notification_endpoint_url, то вы получите уведомление о смене статуса оплаты

Deposit Bank Code

service customer_code
payment_card_pkr_hpp easypaisa